Not every single cycle is affordable. If you are a college student, or anyone that is on a budget, this is perfect for you. Do you want to be able to get the most out of your small budget? They are affordable bikes that you can get while shopping online. And with the right research, you won’t sacrifice quality. Although bikes that are under $200 don’t come with every feature, they have similar features as the their more expensive counterparts. You aren’t missing out on anything. You are only just asserting your right to spend wisely. Check out our top recommendations for the best bikes under $200.
Why We Like It:
OKRAN’s Reinforced Mountain Bike has an interesting and fashionable color combination that makes it a solid deal for both adults and children alike. If you have to long travel, the style of the bike and adjustable seats will make the ride comfortable and enjoyable. It has a suspension system and minimal vibration, which makes the ride extra comfortable for the rider. It is easy to stop and move in any situation with its power steel v-brakes.
Why We Like It:
If you are looking for a bike that can be used recreationally and for commuting purposes, then this bike is for you. With its 21 Speed, lightweight aluminum frame, and 700c Alloy Rims, you get a lot of bang for your buck. It is available in white and black. There is easy adjustability up and down hills and has linear breaks for confident stopping power. The women’s bike frame even has comfort-rise handle breaks meant for an easy riding position. It is ranked 4th on Amazon in Sports & Outdoors bikes. If you want confident stopping power, this bike has linear pull breaks.
Why We Like It:
This bike is a single speed bike that is designed for a modern, urban hybrid rider who enjoys a retro aesthetic, straightforward functionality, and high quality components. The KT coaster brake makes it so you can coast and brake with your feet safely. The bike is easy to put together and will not cost a lot at your local Bike shop. The single speed is adept at cruising on flat surfaces. 30-millimeter deep-V rims to ensure a solid ride that is easy to maintain and a joy to ride.
This completes our list for the best bikes under $200 for 2018. Make sure to thoroughly research any bike you plan on buying, and let us know your thoughts on our reviews below.